Previous Iterations
Since I keep changing the systems and design of my website, I decided to keep track of it.
V0 - December 2022 #
This was when I first acquired the domain name,
It started with plain HTML with no CSS at all.
When I started using org-mode and Emacs, I began exporting them to HTML pages within org-mode for more self-documenting types of writing.
Screenshots #
V1 - September 2023 #
After getting a job where I was going to work with Next.js, I decided to rewrite my website using that framework.
For theming, I was going through a honeymoon period with Typst. Font is CMU Modern. Layout was inspired by a friend’s website. This will be the first and only website I prototype on Figma before I actually implement it.
V2 - January 2024 #
I was unhappy with how difficult it was to continuously deploy my website using Next.js, and decided that it would be better to go back to basics.
I also did not like its’ markdown integration for CMS. I found it very limiting.
From Jan 2023 - May 2024, I have been using Emacs and Org mode to take notes.
I also picked up Tailwind.css and was pretty impressed by it’s comprehensive styling options.
V2 started as a tailwind + HTML project, and incorporated org mode (exported to HTML) for some notes.
Later on, I would want a system that could automatically generate HTML files based on my org-mode files.
Screenshots #
Beginning, Temporary Placeholder
Latest Version, Dark Mode
V3 - November 2024 #
In May, I switched from Emacs back to neovim. I was tired of going bankrupt with my Emacs configurations, and wanted something easy to navigate around the terminal with.
Aside: When I learned of the starter configuration, kickstart.nvim, I was blown away by how simple and well-documented it was. It explains every line of the configuration so that I can understand it. As someone who likes understanding something before running it, this was awesome.
For each of these previous versions, I could not find a solution that could solve all of my needs:
- WYSIWG editor (writing raw markdown/html sucks! have you seen emacs+org-mode?)
- Math preview
- Image preview
- Vim Keybinds
- RSS generation
- Easy building to HTML
I discovered Obsidian recently, and have been playing around with Hugo (since my manager recommended it). This might be the most elite setup I have had to date.