Why I Built Window Switcher
Since finishing my last internship, I’ve missed having massive monitors at work. No longer could I have two windows in split view without sacrificing content space.
This meant that I had many apps occupying one desktop at once. However, as a certified non-minimalist^TM, I have too many windows open. For example, I have multiple instances of Firefox open (one for each profile), multiple instances of Finder with different folders open, and if I wasn’t a vim
user, I would have many different instances of my favourite GUI-based code editor open (one for each repository I was working on).
So, I needed a solution so that I could quickly switch to the windows I want.
Spotlight (and other derivatives which may be powered by AI) are very powerful. However, you can only search for Applications, not Windows in an app. Thus, this tool becomes unreliable as soon as your 1:1 mapping between apps and windows breaks down.
Command-tab is deficient since you have to linearly scan through your apps to get the one you want. It is good but suffers the same problem as Spotlight. I need the granularity of windows.
Alt-tab brings proper window switching to mac and it’s free! It supports multiple different UI styles, but unfortunately development of a search variant stalled out.
I thought about contributing to this project, but I didn’t have the confidence to fully understand the workings of such a big project to start on this. Furthermore, the user experience is quite different from quickly switching between windows and searching for windows.
Fine, I’ll make it myself
Surely it wouldn’t be hard for someone with 0 hours of experience in macOS development to make a Mac application that integrates deeply with the OS? So I got to work experimenting with this over my holiday break. It turned out to be a really challenging experience, and I still am not confident in my ability to develop for macOS. However, I do have a working application.
Well, with the exception that the notarization service is taking it’s sweet time notarizing my signed binary (yes, I paid $130 for this great experience).
By the way, there is this forum thread about this issue. I suspect my issues have to do with me doing this for the first time ever, but I filed a support ticket with Apple anyways.
Conclusion #
I made it! I’ve also created my own tap so it’s also available on brew
The project page is here: src.naesna.es/window-switcher. If you like it, please give it a star!
I will also be making a few follow-up posts about some interesting discoveries when making this app.