Added more buttons to my homepage!
Wooo! 🎉
Using a Subdomain to Point to my Repos
I now have this wonderful subdomain, src.naesna.es
that redirects to GitHub! I’m doing this to make it easier to move my repositories somewhere else in the future.
Mermaid Diagrams
Mermaid support woohoo! Hopefully this doesn’t blow up my webpage size.
flowchart TB subgraph update[My Updates] I --> Now Now --> Have Have --> Mermaid end
Getting Under 512KB
I just made a few changes to my website:
- I am no longer using Noto Serif as my font, since it was blowing up my webpage size. I am now using Helvetica.
- I switched out MathJax with KaTeX for speed and bundle size.
These efforts have reduced my website from 1.3MB to 344KB, a 73.5% size reduction!
This means my website is under 512KB :))